80 miles. Hannibal, MO to Moberly, MO
On the road i was wondering if they could've named more things after Mark Twain if they tried. We were still seeing things up to 50 miles out. There was definitely less corn today and more rolling hills as a result. Nothing too crazy but good enough for a solid workout. Got to use my special blue bowl at lunch and it worked like a charm. Watch out food.
Today at 6am was the official start of Bike and Build Assassins and the bloodbath has already reached epic proportions. No friendship or rider is safe. Lets just say I've never been less comfortable peeing by myself. And lets also just say that Assassins really lets you see who takes things to extremes. Rules are you have to kill someone by squirting with a water gun or bottle and there can't be any witnesses. Safe zones are on your bike and in your sleeping bag. Casualties are accruing left and right but good news is they don't include me yet. And moreover, guess who got his first ever kill in assassins today! It was a pretty textbook "sit down at table for pretend conversation with the person opposite you while really sneaking a squirt underneath" I'm honestly content with finally having at least killed one person and wouldn't mind dying that much now. But my next target still better watch out...
Not that much really going on today honestly. Had a great time riding with Lara and Larry and kept a great pace all the way through. Now we've seen our share of wierd things on the road, but today's Adopt-a-Highway sign we saw was legit like "what the hell is going on". Perhaps you've heard of "Noodler's Anonymous" but i def haven't. Since we were at such a loss, all Lara and I could do was attempt our best anonymous noodling.
Just found out that Noah got $150 worth of fireworks donated for tomorrow! It'll be great. Especially since our town tomorrow doesn't actually celebrate July 4th until July 10th. Yes, you read correctly.
Still waiting for dinner and its my earliest journal ever! Hoping to totally overdose on sleep tonight. We're staying at this crazy large Christian Cafe/Lounge called Cafe 41/ The Destiny Center. It's stocked with comfy couches, tons of table games, and yes Rock Band. Boy, talk about roughing it...
Today is actually a full month since we all met on June 3 and we're basically nearing our halfway point. To be honest if the trip ended now I'd be totally satisfied with everything and the way i see it, every extra day out of this is really just a bonus that i'm gonna try and enjoy and immerse myself in as much as possible. I think in California this'll be one of those experiences that'll I'll be slightly sad but definitely ready to leave and i think that's a great place to be in general with big journeys like this.
Fireworks tomorrow! Can't wait to celebrate the formation of a country based on ideals of liberty and freedom by blowing stuff up.
EDIT: Just discovered that the cafe actually has an entire concert stage set up with instruments and lights and everything. Dennis is apparently a crazy drummer and broke it down with Ryan Farr on the keyboard as we all got up to spit some rhymes on that house. Colin Hood legit improvised an entire biking rock ballad. Nothing like a bike and build rock concert and mosh pit to settle us down for bed.
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