2nd Day Off. Moab, UT
So today I woke up and decided to jump out of a plane. Pretty much. Skydiving that is. I've always known i would do it someday and since the opportunity presented itself so conveniently in such a beautiful place I figured why not. Ten of us headed out to the airport and some were definitely calmer than others. I wasn't too nervous after signing away all rights to my life and my first born away. I mean the way i figure it the dude strapped to me definitely(hopefully) cares about staying alive, so then i should be all set.
It seemed that being Australian or foreign was a prerequisite for working there. My instructor was this crazy European dude(Austrian?) named Mick who was a total character. He basically took every chance he could to psych us out. Like when checking our straps, "Oh yea i guess you can survive in those..."
The plane took 2 divers and 2 instructors at a time and the cabin was probably smaller than my suitcase. To be sure, it was tight, and the pacifier hanging in the back was a nice touch. They took us on a 15 minute ride up to 10,000 feet which was 14,000 above sea level. The ride was a really big part of the experience. As if all of the scenery wasn't crazy enough from the ground, seeing all of the canyons and cliffs from above was just stunning, like unbelievable actually. What was also unbelievable was when they threw open the door of the plane meaning it was time. Emily went out first and lets just say calm wasn't the best adjective for that moment for her. We all agreed that the most intense moment was when we stepped out onto the ledge and were sitting out of the plane. Its that surreal moment like with the cliffs where all that fills your blood is pure fear and adrenaline. All i could really think was "Really? is this actually gonna happen right now?"
Well it did. Mick pushed off as my pupils dilated about 100x their size. I'm not even going to try and describe what it was like other than hands down the craziest rush you can ever imagine. When he deployed the parachute and we slowed down I found myself laughing so uncontrollably for 30 seconds that it hurt. The Euphoria from those 30 seconds of freefall was overwhelming. He let me control and steer the parachute for a little which was fun but the most memorable part was the spectacular views i was taking in as i was slowly wafting down for 3 minutes. It was such a epic vantage point and scenery that i kept asking "Where am I right now"
Back on the ground it felt amazing. Did i really just throw myself out of a plane? I can only describe it as a supremely high calm. Talking to the instructors and hearing what else they do was pretty interesting. They're just a whole different breed of people whose life is totally centered around as much extreme adventure and adrenaline as possible. You sometimes joke about living your life like that but here are people who just get up and actually do it. A little crazy but probably more fulfilling than your typical 9-5. I wonder which matters more...
Back at Moab we had some great Mexican food at this thoroughly themed Mexican restaurant where the 15 of us got to watch the penultimate day of the Tour de France which was so fun. Those guys are just beasts, totally unreal the endurance they have. We watched the final 6,000 foot climb of the race in pure awe as they just powered through. After this I would really love to go see the tour in France one summer and drive around to all the stages. The energy there just seems incredible. Putting it on the list...
Then Carlie, both Dans and Ryan F, Colin King, Larry and I went over to this trailhead to the popular swimming holes there. We trekked about a mile inwards to find this great one with a small waterfall where we splashed around. Walking amongst those cliffs was so intense and i couldn't get over it. Also the blazing sun was being just a little bit irrational but the water made it worth it. I find it so funny how on our one day off out of three we choose to bike 3 miles to a trail only to hike in 90+ degrees rather than i dono, sleep in airconditioning. It was wonderful though. The way i see it, if i have to choose between something new and unique and something i can do any other time, it almost always has to be the former regardless of how much of a hassle it might be.
Miranda came to dinner to say goodbye to everyone before she headed off home to rest. Most likely she'll be meeting us in San Francisco on our last day. She was obviously pained but in really high spirits. It was really emotional for everyone at the final goodbye and I personally had to find a corner to let my own tears out in private. I really wish i could be a little bit more personal in this journal sometimes but it suffices to say that it wasn't easy at all to see such a happy, strong, and inspiring girl like that leave our group. In a way I was glad to realize how far we had come as a group and how close we could be. We'll be making sure that her bike's giraffe horn makes it across with us as per her request. We all love you so much Miranda!
Today was also Mail Drop, and the first time i wasn't bombarded with packages from mom and dad which was kind of nice. A simple card saying hello, and the thought and effort that went into it is really enough for most anyone on this trip i feel. Priscilla's thank you card for this blog was especially appreciated. I loved the frogs!
And then there was Ariel's Package, a great friend from school who did this route last year. She sent Ipod speakers and a wonderful and thoughtful 10 page note reflecting on her trip that just made my day. There was also an Allen Ginsburg book which reminds me that i really wouldnt mind doing a bit more reading. She included a pic of the manhattan skyline asking if i was homesick, and while i thought no, looking at the pic and thinking of wonderful nyc i couldnt help but think yea, just a little. Interesting how that answer changed. Anyway, thank you Ariel!
And then of course was a group visit to Arches National Park. Its worth all the hype. The pictures will speak for themselves. If your in the area, just go.
At night i went to journal but really just ended up bumming around on some of my favorite websites. It was really cool to have that personal time and I felt so at home in that i was doing what i would normally do outside of this trip. I was so absorbed that when i finally looked up i had actually forgotten that i was in Utah biking across the country. It definitely felt so good to take a step back like that and was definitely what i needed.
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