Monday, July 20, 2009

Bike Ride and a Movie

Day 42 - July 15, 1 day late
69.69 miles. New Raymer, CO to Fort Collins, CO

Colorado is unreal. Top speed I"ve averaged so far on the trip: 16.5 ish. Speed we averaged today: 18 mph baby!.

It was more of the surreal, neverending but beautiful prairies with a perfect riding temperature and blue skies. We might as well have been riding in air is what it felt like. 70 miles in 4 hours = easily the best riding day by far.

All was calm 20 miles in. And then. They appeared. Those that shall not be named loomed over us in the distance as they plotted our demise. Yes they are as crazy as people make them out to be. It was a really humbling moment honestly to see such natural beauty and magnificence from 50 miles away. Cheers erupted as they came into view but i doubt the same will happen when we get much closer, aka start climbing.

At lunch we realized that since we were in a town with more than 100 people, there would be a theater. And since we were riding like lightning, we could actually make it in in time for a 1 o'clock showing. Noah called ahead and arranged for a courteously donated free admission for all of us which was such a pumper upper. Needless to say, we booked it, stopping only for a sweet skate park and this ridiculous sheep farm. Seriously, like 3,000 of my furry friends all in one giant system of pens. It was so happy but disappointing at the same time. If only they could run free alongside us and trample the shackles of agrobusiness as they partake in our journey. Especially since i have yet to accomplish my goal of getting wildlife(horses ideally) to do that.

Larry, Carlie, Doug, Karina, Sean and I saw Public Enemies, where Johnny Depp plays John Dillinger the bank robber. It was an entertaining flick, i mean with guns and shooting and all, but nothing crazy special. The cinematography really struck me with its really gritty shaky feel. It was just more awesome to contemplate that we had busted an entire 70 mile day, are seeing a fun 2 hour movie for free, pounding back snacks, and are still going to get in to the host early. Though I can't say that i didn't contemplate the logistics of robbing a bank by bike for a good while after that.

We showered at this great gym named PULSE. I find it very personally fulfilling when a gym's name could also be used for a nightclub and vice versa. PULSE here and RAW in Louisville definitely fit the bill. Also, gyms just kinda weird me out, like i can't really understand them and their popularity, but mostly the way everyone is just such a zombie when they go in there and barely pay attention to all those around them. I dono, does anyone else find it odd that so many different people flock to the same place just to be alone?

Got to walk around a little bit of the town running bike store errands and its pretty happening. THERE ARE TONS OF BIKERS and so much good biking infrastructure which made me so so happy to see. Lots of bike shops also, all of which were really friendly.

At night, Dan M's friends hosted a small gathering for us which was an unexpected blast. It was great to unwind with each other as well as mingle with the Colorado natives.

Waking up tomorrow and not packing my stuff, best feeling EVER!

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