87 miles. Frisco, CO to Salida, CO
Today was just one of those days. You can feel it within the first few pedal strokes of your bike. You're pedaling but just not moving. That was the story for the first ten miles and it just sucks and is so demoralizing. Especially on such a long day. Fortunately other people expressed the same frustration, which was a big comfort for my sanity.
Picked up a brake cable from a bike shop which is good since my back one is really short. Going downhill for dozens of miles with a short brake cable hasn't been the most comforting thought.
We did have one decent 4 mile climb that started around mile 16. I started going at a solid 6 or 7 mph and just kept going and kept passing people. My breathing was good and i felt awesome for being able to push it like that. I decided that i was going "No Stop to the Top" and made it! Accomplishment is a big theme of this trip and that was the first time i had done a climb without a break. And yes, it is hard not to think you're the man after doing that.
After a lunch break there I experienced the best cycling of my life.(i know i say that a lot) We were on a continuous downhill for 26 straight miles which we covered in only ONE HOUR. I was going along at twenty something in the back of the group taking in the beautiful fields and mountains when something in me snapped and gave me this uncontrollable urge to just pump it so hard. I pulled left and tore through the rode at 35 mph for a solid five minutes. I was talking the other day of how the reason i like cycling so much is because it kinda makes me feel like some sort of superhero, with all of that speed, agility, and of course spandex. Going so fast and pumping like that all by myself through amazing terrain was just euphoric.
Unfortunately when we stopped a little while later i realized how much i had burnt myself out and how tired i really was. I got really sleepy and drained for the rest of the ride. I had a pretty bad headache by second lunch and tried desperately to find a shady spot to nap. I still hate how little I sleep on this trip because of how much stuff there is to do all time when we get into hosts, when it really should just be me time after such a long day. But i guess balancing my own priorities with the group logistics is something to work towards and should be something i view as a way to grow rather than just a hassle.
After lunch was another super long downhill that all of a sudden unveiled these humongous mountains abruptly jutting out of nowhere. I mean it was plains, plains, plains, whoa huge mountains! They were so incredible I could barely keep my eyes on the road
Was smooth riding until my sixth flat of the trip. Though it was my first time that a nail had actually gone completely through, both in and out of my tire. Later thought about what crazy chain of events must have led to my 2 inch tire running over that single nail on a 10 foot shoulder. Coincidence? I mean what does "random" really mean anyway.
Got a big climb tomorrow, and apparently very little sleep coming tonight. But i am in charge of tomorrow's morning playlist, the first rider to do so, and i think it'll be good. I have very strong feelings on the line between sharing and imposing music and really hope my taste jives with everyone else. I could talk for hours about music selection and philosophy but probably not now. I still need to actually wake up and play it...
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