45 miles. Bedford, IN to Linton, IN
Earliest Journal ever! I am on a roll with my morning packing and its the greatest. You can probably tell since this is like the 5th time I've mentioned it. Yesterday Libby and I promised each other we would ride together and that's exactly what we did today. I haven't ridden an entire route with only one other person since i usually like to mix it up. But it can actually be pretty fun to bond with one other person like that.
The terrain was flat and expansive as usual but there were some hills here and there creeping up on us. We were on the same road all day with not the best shoulder to ride on but with slightly more emotionally stable drivers.
Honestly the flat land is great but im pretty convinced we're already getting spoiled and will get a rude wake up at the Rockies. But thats cool, cause i love it so much right now. And besides I'm sure our badassness will totally kick back in once we face a challenge like that. We had a solid frolic session today to induct Libby into the club. I also managed to score a solid wheelbarrowing victory. Needless to say Libby is fully converted.
We had some pretty great conversation despite the small road shoulder and the heavy traffic on the torso. I've realized that if you ever want to connect with anyone just talk about the opposite sex, or heartbreak, or any of that commiserating stuff. You prob can't start off with it right off the bat, but it'll be a goldmine of insight once you can bring your relationship to that point and i like that.
It was crazy how short the day was and how little there was to actually do out here. We were pulling into Linton 3 hours before our 4pm deadline and were honestly racking our brains to find cool things to stop and waste time on. Can't write without mentioning the super awesome plumber sign though. This one was a keeper. Full disclosure: The magnificent mouth squirt might have taken more than 1 timer shot to get right.
Subway is my new favorite store. Today they were kind enough to feed me for the second day in a row along with Libby. Much thanks to Emily, Mariah, Rebecca, Diana, Carol who were working there and treated us. I was on the verge of super crankiness and they totally pulled through. Note: I take donations very seriously and only ask if I am truly starving and sincere in my request. I always try and be very conscious of not abusing their hospitality.
We were so early that I got to totally degrease and fully clean my chain today in peace without being rushed or tired. None of us have really had that chance all trip. Bike maintainence is so relaxing and i almost want to say even spiritual. You have a really deep connection to this machine that you are riding for 6+ hours a day and that you are dependent on. Thus there's a lot of care, focus and love that goes into cleaning every nook and cranny. Actually taking your time with it can be so therapeutic and relaxing. I can totally see why people love working so much on their cars and other machines after this experience. Plus having it squeaky clean will make my next few days of riding totally smooth.
Some people went to the pool while the cleaning was happening and then we all met for dinner at this great pizzeria at 5:30. They were super kind to donate AND SERVE us an entire meal of salad, breadsticks, and a pizza buffet. Having actual waiters serve us great food when we'd be content scrounging leftovers was out of this world. This reminds of some convos i was having earlier of how one of the major things I'm taking from this trip is a profound sense of perspective for life in the real world. I'd just really like to appreciate simple pleasures in life like eating, sleeping, etc way more the way i do all the time now. It's so ridiculous how much we get caught up in modernity and fail to realize our privilege sometimes. I sometimes want to use the word disgusting. Disappointing is probably how I'd best describe it come to think of it.
On the walk back there was a giant giraffe model kind of randomly on the side of the road. Kinda totally weird and creepy. Also, some people early in the day took a super detour and got to go cliff diving like 40 feet. It was obviously great fun, would've loved to be there. Also, I say also a lot. Also, we did a lap circle sit today where everyone gets in a really tight circle and sits down so that all the weight is supported by everyone. Try it if you're ever in a big group and want to feel cool and special and accomplished. ( I mean its not like humans ever have a need for those things)
The church tonight is super cool, has air conditioning, but most importantly will allow us to watch Star Wars(Episode 5 of course) on its home theater projection system! So pumped for that right now!
Going to Illinois tomorrow! time zone change is imminent. Zones in general are funny to think about. What if we had internal boundaries for like hairstyles or colored armbands or something. Hmm..Please do leave any and all suggestions in the comments.
80 or so miles will be kind of a shock from today but whatever. Off to The Empire Strikes Back!
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